Preparing for Success in 2013

Last week, our management, BDO, and marketing teams held a half-day strategy session to prepare for the New Year.  We made sure to follow five important steps highlighted here.  When we concluded the meeting, we had a handful of goals, brewing ideas, and we were energized to enter 2013 with a roadmap for success!

As always, we found our most important asset was our team.  We shared what worked and didn’t work this past year, and what we hope to see in the New Year.  We were energized by each other and united in our common goals.  We ended a great strategy meeting by sharing lunch with our awesome account managers!

We’re excited about 2013 and look forward to helping more businesses grow!


Need inspiration for your company’s 2013? Check out this TED talk we watched at the beginning of our meeting.  “Success is a continuous journey.”

Showing 2 comments
  • Chris

    I think success for small businesses will all be dependent on the new policies being implemented in the coming weeks.

  • Nelson Morado

    Excellent talk by Richard St.John. Hope you will be doing the best to grow business and helping around. Thanks for sharing the excellent views.

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