Employee Spotlight: Trisha Leerssen, Executive Assistant

Many will agree Trisha Leerssen is the glue that holds Far West Capital together. With a huge heart and a genuine smile, she is the first person you’ll speak to when you call Far West Capital. Her soft and friendly voice isn’t just a benefit to the company, but helps put customers at ease and makes them feel like they have just called home. Trisha is the youngest of four and a native Austinite. One of her favorite memories is attending Aquafest every year with her parents and three brothers. She is a die-hard ACL fan and alongside her boyfriend Frank, hasn’t missed a year!

1.     What was your first job? 

My first real job was as a receptionist at a hair salon, but my first professional job was at a collections agency.  I learned how to be disciplined there and that taking a soft and caring approach with people was important.  I went on to work at a medical records company and within six months became the office manager.  It suited my skill-set.  I briefly worked at a staffing company before I found Far West Capital.


2.     How long have you worked at Far West Capital?

Nearly five years.


3.     What does your day typically look like?

Fast-paced and multi-tasking! The phone is attached to me because it’s important for customers to connect with a real person when they call. Maintaining the general flow of the office and helping the operations team are part of my responsibilities. I also help with the initial front-end review process of the underwriting.


4.     What do you like to do for fun?

Cook!  My favorite type of food to cook is Mexican and home-style.


5.     What’s your favorite restaurant in Austin?

Torchy’s Tacos.


6.     What do you hope to accomplish in 5 years? 

I’d like to be at Far West Capital and grow with them, especially in a managerial role.  And, marriage and kids may be in the near future, too!


7.     What do you enjoy most about working here?

This is the best place I’ve ever worked! I work in an environment where people want to come to work every day. I also love working with such experienced people. Cole and the team are focused on much more than how we can fund a deal for someone.  It’s how can we help them grow. I love hearing the stories about the business owners, and I especially love when we can help them.


8.     How are you set up for success at Far West Capital?

Cole is very interested in who we are and open to hearing about our personal and professional goals. He works hard to support them.


9.     What’s your favorite Far West Capital perk?

We don’t have a structured vacation policy. It allows us to have flexibility managing our vacation time.  We work together as a team and everyone jumps in to help cover.  Oh yes, and the complimentary lunches three times a week are great too!


10.  What is your favorite Far West Capital memory?

I love our current team, but it was fun to be there from the start of the company as I was able to cross train on everything and really learn the business.


11.  What is your biggest accomplishment personally and/or professionally?

Always being in a position to truly benefit and help business owners.  I’m proud of my contribution to the team as we’ve grown as a company.


12.  What does it mean to you to “unleash your potential?”

Not being so caught up in the day-to-day tasks and being able to look at the big picture. I know that taking more time out for myself will make that happen!


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