Employee Spotlight: Matt Smulski, Account Manager

While Matt Smulski’s biggest pride and joy is his family, he also truly values the Far West Capital team, his work environment, and the opportunities the company provides. A native of Fayettville, North Carolina, Matt moved to Austin as a teenager and is proud to call the city his home.  Matt is an exceptional account manager and believes in going that extra step for each customer; he also ensures that the technology in the office is running smoothly as our IT go-to guy!

1. How long have you worked at Far West Capital?

I was hired two months after Far West Capital was founded. I left the company in 2011, but quickly returned nine months later!


2.  What do you like to do for fun?

I love doing anything with my son. Watching him experience things for the first time is my favorite. Every weekend, we go to an amazing park that’s great for kids. I also enjoy trying different restaurants.


3. What’s your favorite restaurant in Austin?

Pita Fusion in Round Rock is an amazing place!


4. What’s your favorite vacation spot?

Our family goes to Disneyworld every year, and it’s a joy to see my son having fun.


5. What do you hope to accomplish in 5 years?

I’ve spent the past five years helping entrepreneurs grow; within the next five I’d like to be one.


6. What do you enjoy most about working at Far West Capital?

The opportunity that’s provided to you – the opportunity you can take and create! I have a lot of respect for Cole and what he’s accomplished. Working here has provided me the avenue to be where I want to be professionally and financially in the quickest amount of time. Also, it’s never been about what we do here; it’s about why we do it for our clients. We’re not just about turning profit. It’s about the relationships we build with our customers.


7. How are you set up for success at Far West Capital?

If you’re willing to take the opportunities, you can do it. Far West Capital has a culture of owning your own experience. I’m able to give ideas and be proactive with my success.


8.  What’s your favorite Far West Capital perk?

Vacation flexibility allows me to be with my family.  We can take our Disney vacation anytime we want to go.


9. What is your favorite Far West Capital memory?

The early days of Far West Capital at our office in Cedar Park. We had a lot of fun and definitely grew together as a team.


10. What is your biggest accomplishment personally and/or professionally?

Personally, my son is because he’s my legacy. Being known as a great father and taking care of my family is important to me.


Professionally, succeeding at Far West Capital. I take a lot of pride in supporting the technology network and the benefits it brings to the team and our clients.


11. What does it mean to you to “unleash your potential?”

Not limiting yourself and believing you don’t have any limitations! This is how great businesses succeed.

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