Far West Capital

Fueling Young Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship is a favorite topic at Far West Capital. Being entrepreneurs ourselves and in the business of helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses through factoring and financing, we enjoy being a part of entrepreneur organizations and sharing stories we read or hear.

In our last newsletter, we shared the story of Caine, a 9 year-old boy in East Los Angeles, who started his own arcade – Caine’s Arcade – in the back of his father’s junkyard. In the three weeks since the video of his story was posted online:

This week, we learned about Mallory, a 13-year-old in Connecticut, who is building a company around her invention: hiccup-stopping lollipops. After Mallory concocted a mixture that relaxes the nerves causing hiccups, she entered Hiccupops into the Connecticut Invention Convention, an annual competition for kids, and won prizes for innovation and patentability. Now, Mallory is working with students from The University of Connecticut’s Innovation Accelerator and Startup Connecticut, which is a regional affiliate of Startup America Partnership, to bring the product to market this summer.

Speaking of young entrepreneurs, check out the Annual Lemonade Day this Saturday, May 6th. Kids around the U.S. will set up lemonade stands in the spirit of entrepreneurship.

In what other ways can we build entrepreneurship?

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