Far West Capital

Get Your Company Ready for Take-Off, 2013 is Coming

Three months of 2012 are left before we enter 2013.  How do you prepare your company to hit the ground running when the New Year begins? Here are five steps we consider every year.

1. Dream big.

First, you need a positive attitude. Instead of focusing on the things your company did not accomplish this year, think forward and start in a positive frame of mind.

2. Pull all data from 2012.

From financial numbers to the number of leads received and the marketing pieces, gather all the data and materials to analyze 2012. This will help your team with the big picture and start the conversation for 2013 planning.

3. Check in with your team.

Depending on the size of your company, the initial planning meeting may only include your core executive team. Before the meeting, check in with the entire team and collect their feedback and concerns. Ask questions such as: what helped us succeed this year and what adjustments do you think will bring even more success next year.

4. Have a focused meeting.

It’s crucial to have a meeting before the New Year arrives. Set aside time to complete planning. If needed, ask a third-party to lead and moderate the meeting to help facilitate information to provide a different point of view.

5. Always go back to your company purpose.

After planning is complete, review and ensure the goals continue to strengthen your company’s purpose and values?

How does your company plan for the New Year?


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