How Stressed Are You?

I read an interesting article about stress yesterday. The survey cited in the article states 39% of those surveyed said their stress rose last year. The article also stated: “Stress has become the new normal for life in the USA.” Do you think this is true? From what the survey results show, it’s a sad state for us. Stress can be a positive motivating factor, but when it is affecting our lives so much that we accept that we can’t do anything about it, it also affects the other parts of our lives negatively.

Here are 10 warning signs your stress levels may be too high (obtained from

Warning Sign 1 : Sudden Anger
Warning Sign 2 : Feeling Overwhelmed
Warning Sign 3 : Constant Worry
Warning Sign 4 : Depression
Warning Sign 5 : Exhaustion
Warning Sign 6 : Constant Colds
Warning Sign 7 : Lack of Concentration
Warning Sign 8 : Mood Swings
Warning Sign 9 : Letting Yourself Go
Warning Sign 10 : Lack of Time

The main sources of stress in the U.S. include: money, work, the economy, relationships, family responsibilities, health problems, job stability. These are big issues that involve many circumstantial factors and factors beyond our control, but unless we proactively fight against stress the best we can, stress will be a stumbling block to our success. Here are a few ways to help you combat stress:

1. Exercise

Not only does exercise help you put your focus on other things, it helps increase your endorphins, improve your sleep and improve your focus. Try taking at least 30 minutes of your day to go for a walk or take a fitness class.

2. Take a break

From a long vacation to 20 minutes watching a television show, a break can help you re-energize. After a break, you are able to take on your task with fresh eyes and decrease the overwhelming feelings of stress.

3. Get support

Talk to someone you trust. They will hopefully have a solution or suggestion for you, but sharing your stress will help you get some weight off your shoulders. Reach out to your community and find organizations that can help. Whether it’s your stress about how you will grow your business or your stress about how to find a job to support your family, companies, non-profits and professional organizations are available to address your specific concerns.

What kinds of stress do you have? How do you combat it?


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