Far West Capital

Money Masters of Our Time

Photo via Pictures of Money https://www.flickr.com/photos/pictures-of-money/17283526416/

If you’re looking for something new to add to your reading list, I have the perfect book for you: Money Masters Of Our Time by John Train. The book lists new and updated appraisals of 17 of the greatest “money masters” who have stood the test of time, such as Richard Rainwater, Warren Buffet, and Paul Cabot. The book gives such deep insight on these “money masters” and their various business careers. If you’ve ever wondered about the investment techniques of Benjamin Graham or Mark Lightbrown, then this is the book for you.

Train’s depiction of Richard Rainwater is really captivating. As you may know, Rainwater didn’t immediately rise to success. Although he had some setbacks in the early part of his career, he continuously studied great investors in order to articulate his own ideas of investment success.
With his persistence and innovative ideas, Rainwater was able to create a fortune from his investments and was even recognized as the top 1000 richest person in the world back in 2010.

Here’s an excerpt of how John Train describes Rainwater in Money Masters of Our Time:

Richard Rainwater’s investing technique resembles no one else’s in this book. First, he peers into the future to discern a promising area and tries to visualize an enterprise that would succeed in it. Then, he makes a few concentrated investments in the sector. (So far, like many others.) Then, however, he does not necessarily sit back and wait patiently, but is willing to climb aboard the companies he has invested in, forcefully molding them, hiring and firing, refinancing, merging, until the resulting enterprise approaches his original vision.

So, the next time you’re looking for a good book to read, pick up a copy of John Train’s Money Masters Of Our Time. It will really inspire you to take risks in order to unleash the potential found within yourself.

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