Obtaining Working Capital is a Part of Your Fulfilling Life

In our previous “fulfilling life” blog post, we discussed how a life journey has 4 focus points: relationships, gratitude, transcendent, and challenges, and we gave you tips about relationships and gratitude.

Transcendent refers to religion and spirituality. Scientific researchers have found that a connection to the transcendental leads to more personal happiness, satisfaction and fulfillment. Religion and spirituality are personal choices, but are a good resource to help you answer questions such as “why are we here?” and “how ought I to live?”

The last and possibly the most important part of the journey are your challenges. This refers to how you use your talents to do something you enjoy in the service of something larger than yourself or, in other words, your purpose. Challenges stretch your limits to help you find a deeper understanding of your purpose. As shown in the chart that we shared with you last week, your understanding of your higher purpose is an important part of your happiness and life journey. Taken from the book, Delivering Happiness: A Path to Profits, Passion, and Purpose by Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos, the chart is one tool in the book to help you discover your purpose, and the book is a great resource in helping you discover you and your company’s purposes and re-align your life’s direction.

Now, the answer to the question “where does working capital and Far West Capital come into play?” is probably a lot clearer. After you’ve analyzed your life journey and have found a way to take your passions and make it part of your life purpose (ie. as an entrepreneur), you shouldn’t let the lack of working capital derail you from your journey. As entrepreneurs ourselves, the Far West Capital team knows the sweat, blood and tears it takes to bring your passions to profits and that’s why we strive for our passion – helping entrepreneurs succeed.

Can we help fund your company’s accounts receivable and inventory? Do you simply want to know more about factoring and your alternatives in obtaining working capital? Give us a call today, and we can show you how obtaining working capital can help your life journey.

Showing 2 comments
  • Trevor Morris

    I really enjoyed this blog post about a fulfilling life. I was once told that there are three components to a happy and fulfilling life.

    1. Someone to Love
    2. Something to Do
    3. Something to Look Forward to

    I think about these three components a lot as I analyze my life and my level of fulfillment and enjoyment. I think that obtaining a trusted and credible source of working capital for an entrepreneur relates to all three, but particularly applies to the last two. Having the necessary funds to operate and grow your business definitely contributes to your sense of doing and accomplishing worthwhile goals and objectives. You also have future successes and opportunities to look forward to when your business is adequately capitalized.

    Again, I liked this post. Thanks for such great information.

    • Cole

      Great comments, Trevor. Thank you for reading.

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