The Best Cities for Entrepreneurship

As you know, we talk a lot about entrepreneurship, specifically regarding the increase in starting a business in today’s market. But with so many entrepreneurs out there, we’re beginning to wonder – is there a specific market that works better for entrepreneurs than others?  Here’s our list of five U.S. cities that are currently in the middle of an awesome entrepreneurial surge.

Oklahoma City
OKC is home to one of the best entrepreneurial scenes in America. With low foreclosure rates and a long list of well-off investors, there’s a good reason why this city has been at the top of so many Business Oriented Cities Lists. The city’s Presbyterian Health Foundation Research Park (which was recently sold to the University of Oklahoma) is also an attraction, bringing in a significant number of biomedical and life-science startups to the area. Keep on rockin’ it, OKC.

There’s a good reason why Austin is one of America’s fastest growing cities (and we’re not just saying that because we’re headquartered there). Heck, even some of the nation’s biggest tech giants—Google, Facebook and Apple, to name a few—have offices in Austin. This is in large part due to the pro-business climate, as Texas’ low tax rates make it a hard place to beat when thinking of where to settle down with your company. Oh, and did we mention the kick ass breakfast tacos and live music scene? Boom. But don’t move here.

Drive a couple hours east down the road from Austin and you’ll find one of the nation’s hottest entrepreneurial scenes – and that’s not just because of those scorching Texas summers. With minimal corporate taxes and a generous lending community, Houston has become a magnet for business. In fact, the city’s business community is thriving so much, that it ranks first on the U.S. job creation index. Not too shabby, H-Town.

With more than 12,000 startups in the area, Arizona’s capital city is quickly becoming known for its booming entrepreneurial scene. In recent years, Phoenix has become a hotbed for the aerospace, construction and technology industries – helping to account for its near 3% (and growing) yearly population growth. The city’s notably low commercial rent rates play a huge role in the city’s appeal. Toss in a notable professional sports presence and a bustling nightlife and you’ve got quite the ideal entrepreneur destination.

San Francisco
Located within arm’s reach of Silicon Valley, San Francisco is home to some of the nation’s best up-and-coming technology startups. Ranking first in percent of population with higher education, the city contains an abundance of intellectual capital, making it an absolute hub for business innovation. San Francisco also wins in the culture department, housing a bustling arts and entertainment scene that continues to keep young entrepreneurs coming. It’s no wonder why the city is one of the happiest in America.

Although we only listed a few, there are many other badass cities, such as Dallas and Chicago, currently on the entrepreneurial rise as well. We hope that this provides a glimpse of the inspiring entrepreneurial environment that we live in. Keep it up, America.

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