Far West Capital

What It Takes to Perform Your Best (and Run 100 Miles!)

The Leadville Trail 100 is a 100-mile race through the Colorado Rockies. The ultramarathon not only has a time limit of 30 hours for completion but the course includes elevations of 9,200 to 12,600 feet. About 1,000 people register for the race, about 800 show up for the race, and our VP, Jason Lippman, and 8 of his Team Ultra teammates were a part of the 351 people who finished the race this year. Jason not only finished the race, but he finished it in 24 hours and 35 minutes – meeting his goal of completing it in under 25 hours and earning the coveted Gold Buckle.

Although Jason was an hour behind where he wanted to be at the halfway point to break the 25 hour mark, he was able to make up for it and came in 25 minutes ahead of schedule. But as he’s said before, the run isn’t only about finishing the race and accomplishing a personal goal, it’s also about seeing your team finish, which he was able to do as he sat at the finish line for 5 hours after he finished at 4:30 a.m.

Jason on far right


Jason’s experience is a great reminder about the three things it takes to perform to the best of your ability.

1. Intention

Your purpose for accomplishing your goal is the starting point. Your intent could stem from your passion for an organization or activity or your personal goals for life accomplishment or fitness.

2. Preparation

Training and gathering your supplies is also necessary to perform your best. Just as an athlete trains through workouts and a student trains through studying, your physical, mental, and/or emotional preparation can help you go a long way.

3. Support

A strong support system will help you go the extra mile, or in Jason’s case, all the way to the finish line. Team Ultra and his other strong supporters (family, friends, and pacers) were Jason’s support through months and months of training, during the race and even now as Jason recovers for the next few months.

Congrats again to Jason and Team Ultra for their big successes this year!

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